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Loads of Love Laundry Services


Homeless Student Laundry Services

 In 2018, William Ramsay received a grant from the Washington Commanders' Loads of Love Program, to install laundry facilities to directly impact children experiencing homelessness or an unstable living situation at no cost to them or their families. 

The Loads of Love program helps remove a barrier for child attendance and participation in programs and sports by providing them a discreet solution to the challenge of having clean clothes.

Families may apply to use the laundry room under one of the following situations:

Housing situation: Families in a homeless or insecure housing situation.

Emergency situation: for example, families dealing with parasites in bedding, clothing, etc.

Parent Volunteers: parents scheduled to volunteer in the school will be permitted to use the laundry machines while volunteering.

Family engagement activity: parents are coming in to have a home lesson modeled for them and check out instructional resources from the parent center.

Donated or abandoned clothing: used clothing such as school uniforms donated and clothing that in the past we would donate to outside organizations because we could not guarantee it cleanliness can now be cleaned and given directly to families.

To apply to use the laundry room, please fill out the referral form. If you need additional information or have further questions, please contact your child's teacher.